Things you need to know about plagiocephaly

Flathead is a very common term used to describe a baby’s head being in the same position for too much time. The medical term for this issue is known as plagiocephaly. This issue occurs when an infant’s skull takes an abnormal shape on the sides or the back. Positional plagiocephaly is never harmful to your child. However, treating it with starband helmets in New Jersey is one thing parents should consider.


What can you do to prevent a flat head?: The following are some ways in which you can prevent your baby from having a flat head. These include:


Avoid keeping your baby’s head in the same position all of the time. Opt for a good plagiocephaly treatment in New Jersey that can treat your baby’s flathead and provide you with the necessary equipment to treat it. Your babies will then wear these cute helmets all the time to treat their flatheads.


Babies should sleep on their backs to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Take care of their malleable bones in the skull and do not place them in the wrong position.


If your baby starts to have a flathead, try to decrease your baby’s time with its head on the side. Put excitingthings on one side so that your baby will look at those objects.


Limit the time your baby spends in a car seat. Instead, please move to the bouncy seats and add those treatment helmets to your baby’s head.