For flathead treatment in New Jersey, give us a call

The development of a flat spot on the back of your baby's head is a common condition due to constantlysleeping in one position flat head treatment new jersey. Babies can develop a flat spot on the back of their heads from lying in one position. Clinically this condition is referred to as a flathead syndrome.


If you feel your baby's head shape is deformed and you are looking for a flathead treatment in New Jersey, then the first thing you have to do is reach us. At Short Hills Cranial Center, our team of experts will inspect your baby's head from all positions.


We will also take your baby's head measurements to rule out the severity of the condition. Your baby's treatment also depends upon its age, severity of symptoms, and your baby's general health conditions.


Some babies don't require treatment, but if your baby's condition is serious and needs special treatment, then we suggest it wear a special band or helmet to encourage healthy growth. The whole treatment is personalized; helmets are made according to the size of your baby. They work by forcing gentle pressure to reform the shape of the head.


With the head growth, improvements are made so that growth can resonate well with the body.  We understand making babies wear helmets all the time isn't an easy task, but if you want to help your child, you have to consider this. Don't worry. Our team of professionals is here to help you. If you want the best and most comfortable infant helmet in New York, please contact us at .