Cranial Remolding New Jersey: Get Comprehensive Treatment of Head Shape Abnormalities in Infants

Roughly 20 percent of infants develop some head shape abnormality. Often, head shape abnormalities are attributed to conditions such as craniosynostosis and plagiocephaly. Therapy using cranial remolding in New Jersey is often recommended for moderate to severe cases to correct these abnormalities and ensure proper head growth.


Short Hills Cranial Center specializes in the comprehensive evaluation and treatment of head shape abnormalities in infants. The experts here offer an effective treatment plan besidesStarband helmets to ensure unmatched experience, technology, and exceptional patient care.


The Short Hills Cranial Center professionals apply decades of experience and advanced technology to evaluate infants who have been referred to them expertly. They develop the best approach to treatment and design a customized cranial remolding orthosis. 


For patients with craniosynostosis, a treatment plan requires a baby to wear a cranial helmet. The treatment plan's exact parameters depend on the patient's needs and the severity of their condition. And at Short Hills Cranial Center, theyconservatively administer treatment and provide parent empowerment through education. 


Undoubtedly, the skilled and professional people here are your expert resource for awareness, prevention, and treatment of child cranial disorders. Plus, they provide safe and proven treatment outcomes while making the process less stressful for infants and parents.


Let them be your guide through cranial remolding orthosis therapy. For more details, feel free to visit the website or reach them out through 800-552-7621.