As parents, we want our babies to be healthy and happy, and that includes ensuring that their physical development is on track. However, some babies may develop conditions such as flat head syndrome or craniosynostosis, which can impact the shape of their skulls.
Fortunately, cranial remolding helmets are a safe and effective treatment option for these conditions. If you're considering a cranial remolding helmet in New York for your baby, read on to learn more about their importance.
Cranial remolding helmets are custom-made helmets that are designed to gently reshape the baby's skull over time. The helmets apply a gentle, constant pressure to the baby's skull in the areas that need to be reshaped, while leaving room for growth in other areas.
In addition to improving the physical appearance of the baby's skull, cranial helmets in New Jersey can also improve brain function and prevent potential developmental delays. These helmets can help to alleviate any pressure on the brain and allow for proper brain development.
At Short Hills Cranial Center, we specialize in providing cranial remolding helmets for babies with conditions such as flat head syndrome and craniosynostosis. Our team of experts will work with you to determine if a cranial remolding helmet is the best option for your baby's needs.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a cranial remolding helmet in New Jersey for your baby, it's important to understand
their importance. These helmets can improve the physical appearance of your
baby's skull, promote proper brain development, and prevent potential
developmental delays. Contact today
to learn more about our services and how we can help you and your baby.