Cranial Orthoses: Molding Helmets and Bands for Your Infant

Deformational plagiocephaly occurs when a newborn is born with an abnormal head shape. Symptoms of this condition include a flat patch on the infant's head.

Plagiocephaly is a symptom of the disorder craniosynostosis. The sutures in the child's skull have fused too soon, causing the condition. The result would be a misshapen head due to uneven growth around the suture closures. In some cases, a cranial flat head treatment new jersey can be used to treat nonsynostotic plagiocephaly instead of surgery.

Mild positional plagiocephaly, often known as flat head syndrome, is a disorder that may improve on its own within the first six weeks of life. If it does not, then it may be necessary to treat it if it is found to be abnormal.

One in every 300 infants was born with positional plagiocephaly in the past. It would apply to both synostotic and cranial helmets for infants new jersey instances. (The term "synostotic" should be familiar to readers; it describes the joining of bones that are usually distinct).

A cranial remolding orthosis is the primary method of treating positional plagiocephaly. Infant or baby helmets are common names for them. Between four and eight months of age, a youngster can start wearing one of these specialized starband helmets new york. - As the skull continues to develop over the next few months, it will be gently reshaped by this orthosis (helmet).

If left untreated, your child's flat head may be the least of their problems. They may also experience difficulties with their eyesight, hearing, or jaw (TMJ). Get in touch with an orthotist at in your area to get all the information you need before making a final selection on one of these helmets.