Infant Helmet New York: Treating Flat Head Syndrome Effectively

Babies grow fast, and their heads faster!! Flexible skulls protect a baby's growing brain that roughly doubles in size during the first year. But if a baby's skull shape seems different, he or she may need treatment with an infant helmet New York. A flattened or misshapen head is referred to as plagiocephaly. If your baby has been diagnosed with plagiocephaly that requires medical mediation to treat, SHORT HILLS CRANIAL CENTER can help. It is the leading facility in the country that offers comprehensive orthotic services for children.


Plagiocephaly can occur due to spending too much time in the same position, such as lying on their back or in the womb due to crowding. When an infant’s expeditiously growing head stays in a nearly fixed position, the skull is progressively flattened. Such deformational oftenimproves within a few months after birth. And if the plagiocephaly doesn’t improve by itself, the treatment with an infant helmet New Jersey is most likely to be recommended.


The goal of helmet therapy is to provide a safe environment for your baby’s head to grow into a normal shape. This type of treatment does not pressure the head while facilitating proper growth.The average treatment duration often lastsfor 3-6 months depending on the age of the infant and severity of the condition. Early diagnoses of plagiocephalycan contribute to maximum correction.


SHORT HILLS CRANIAL CENTER is one of the largest providers of treatment for this condition. The team here provides custom helmets to help remold the skull when it has grown unevenly. Certified orthotics and orthotic fitters specialize in assessing and correcting plagiocephaly. Please visit for more details.