How to Tell if Your Infant Needs a Cranial Helmet

Parents always worry whether their kids are growing up healthy. They especially worry if they notice a flat spot forming on the back or side of their baby’s head. This can be scary, but it is a common condition that babies suffer from and it can be easily corrected using a cranial remolding helmet in New York. However, for new parents, it is important to know whether their baby needs it or not. 


The following are some questions you might have when considering whether your baby needs a cranial helmet. 


What causes a flat spot on my baby’s head? The most common cause of a flattened head syndrome is a baby's sleep position. Infants are on their backs for many hours every day, so the head sometimes flattens in one spot. This happens not only while they sleep, but also from being in infant car seats, carriers, strollers, swings, and bouncy seats.


When does my baby need a helmet? A doctor can prescribe a helmet for flat head syndrome. The helmet is designed to fit loosely and comfortably. Talk to your doctor about whether a helmet could help your baby. You can contact facilities offering infant helmets in New Jersey after consultation with a doctor. 


What Else Should I Know?: Flat head syndrome improves with time and natural growth. As babies grow, they begin to change position themselves during sleep, so their heads are not in the same position. Flat head syndrome does not affect a baby's brain in any way. 


When babies can sit up on their own, the flat spot will usually get better. Then, as the skull grows, the flattening will improve, even in severe cases. As hair starts to grow, the flat spot often becomes less noticeable as well.