Short Hills Cranial Center is an Expert Name in Orthosis Therapy

This blog post gives some important information regarding a topic that doesn’t give enough attention:  remolding orthosis therapy. A newborn baby has a soft head.  The head is soft for a reason.  First, the skull is soft in parts so it can pass through a woman’s birth canal.  Secondly, the baby needs a malleable skull so that its brain can grow (and grow and grow).  How else is the little baby going to become big, strong, and smart?



If the development of the baby’s skull takes an irregular turn, it may develop a flat spot.  This is often the result of a baby spending too much time on its backside.  Some people call it flathead syndrome.  Professionals refer to it as positional plagiocephaly.



In some cases, the problem goes away on its own in about a year.  However, this is no excuse not to have the condition observed by a medical professional.  The doctor, in fact, may recommend a type of treatment often called “helmet therapy.”



Do you need a local recommendation for flat head treatment in New York?  Here it is:  Short Hills Cranial Center.  The professionals at the Center use effective therapy, expertly designed by caring staff.



Early intervention is important.  We have to get it in between three and eight months for the best results.  This is an important time for brain and skull development (cranial growth).



Centers like the Short Hills Cranial Center help families find the right technology to guide the child’s development.  In other words, a helmet can help reshape the irregularly forming skull.  Each helmet is custom made.  This ensures the right for fit for baby! If you are looking for baby medical helmets in New York, then you need to get in touch with the experts in town: