Expert Plagiocephaly Treatment at Short Hills Cranial Center

Plagiocephaly is recognized by some as another condition, flat head syndrome.  Some asymmetries should be treated by a medical professional.



Head shapes develop due to different factors:  how baby is delivered, how baby sleeps, etc.  Babies are born with skulls that are soft at birth.  After some time, the baby takes on its standard head shape.



As the baby grows, you might see a flat spot develop.  If this occurs, talk to your pediatrician. 



Flat head treatment in New York, as offered by the Short Hills Cranial Center, gives hope to resolving this condition.  The center develops a treatment plan that works.  The team is supportive and qualified, offering comprehensive practice in the treatment of infants via cranial remolding orthoses. 



At the Short Hills Cranial Center, we use an efficient approach to help.  First, we offer a consultation.  We examine the conditions, making a treatment plant along the way.  Finally, we educate parents on how to use the therapeutic equipment, the helmet, once it is received.  There are specific directions that make this treatment a success.



With support from start to finish, there is no reason to fear this therapy.  We use the best equipment to produce the equipment (like the STAR Scanner). 



If you are searching for baby medical helmets in New York, we have good news!  Short Hills Cranial Center is here to help: